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Bblower : 送风机Cclumsy : 笨拙的 clumsy methodcandidate : 候选人cylinder:柱面Ddump : 倾倒Eeliminates : 消除 eliminates this mess evaluate [ɪ'vælju.eɪt] 评估 :extract 提取 :extract web content enclosure 围墙,附件Ffragment: 分段 identification fragment (片标识符存在于ip header中)foundry :铸造厂Ggrabbed 抓起 :she grabbed him by the shirt collar(领子)H
Iidentifying 确认 :XPath is a way of identifying nodes and content in an XML document structure identification:鉴别,标识 identification fragment (片标识符存在于ip header中)inspired 启发: This post was inspired by another blog post (这篇文章的灵感来自另一篇博文)inspect 检查: Inspect Elementincreasingly : 越来越 increasingly popularJjournal : 日志 :journal file systemKLMNneat 整齐Ooffset : 偏移的 fragment offset 片偏移量oracle : 先知Pportable : 方便parsing : 解析premium: 奖品,额外费用proper : 正确的Qquantity : 数量queue : 队列Rretrieve 检索reluctant riˈləktənt 不情愿,厌恶 :I am somewhat reluctant to answer it for yourestrict 限制repository : 知识库redundancy : 冗余Sscraping 美[ˈskrepɪŋ] 挖 : Scraping Data with Python and XPathsimulate 模拟significantly 显著的stand-alone 单机的schemes : 方案TUVvertical :垂直WXYZ转载于:https://blog.51cto.com/13977336/2308234